Payment information

Payment methods

Supported payment methods include:

  • Credit cards (including Visa, MasterCard or American Express)
  • Debit cards
  • Apple Pay
  • Android Pay
  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Alipay
  • SEPA direct debit
  • Cryptocurrencies (including BTC, ETH, LTC)
  • Pay later

WooCommrce is not limited to the payment methods listed on this page. It supports a wide range of other payment methods as well.


Our prices can be displayed in a variety of currencies, but all orders will be transacted in US Dollars by your credit card company upon completion of your purchase, and then converted to your local currency.

Non-US Dollar order totals shown during checkout are only estimates of the final amount based on recent currency conversion rates and exclude taxes, duties, levies or tariffs that may be imposed. If items are returned, a refund will be credited back in US Dollars at the current exchange rate.


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